Tanzila joins an Online TOEFL Course and finally scores 100!

Online TOEFL Course

Have you ever had trouble responding to someone in English or have you ever had difficulty asking questions in English and could not seem to get a clear answer because of your accent? This was the case of Tanzila, a Bangladeshi native who moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Although Tanzila improved his English a bit by watching television, listening to English music, and speaking with new friends, Tanzila could not seem to pass the TOEFL iBT with at least 100 to fulfill his dream of entering a reputed American University to receive his PhD with Electrical Engineering. This requires a high level of English; however, if he wants to pass the TOEFL iBT with 100, Tanzila will need to focus on specific tasks to improve his listening and speaking abilities in an academic way.

Tanzila’s level of English is intermediate at best, scoring a 91 on the TOEFL iBT, listed as: R=22, L=22, S=21 and W=26. Tanzila needed a lousy 9 additional points on the speaking, listening, and reading sections so he would have passed the exam. Now a man with an ambition to succeed, Tanzila began searching for an Online TOEFL Course so that he could figure out what his speaking problems were and how he could solve them. During his search, he joined a web site called “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” by Michael Buckhoff–materials writer, founder, owner and teacher for this TOEFL Course.

With this Online TOEFL Course, Tanzila had the lesson plans to better his academic speaking, listening and reading skills. Materials writer Michael Buckhoff developed a large number of Integrated and Independent speaking tasks in his speaking section that addresses many listening and speaking issues. After students take one of the tests, Michael and TOEFL iBT Speaking Specialists listen, respond, and score the tests. Getting regular feedback everyday on his language use, delivery, and topic development, Tanzila began improving his speaking ability with numerous Integrated and Independent practice tests. Eventually, he learned competent speaking skills such as decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion; which better prepared him for the reading and listening sections of Michael’s Online TOEFL Course.

With Michael’s listening and reading sections, Tanzila further developed his speaking skills. In the listening section, Tanzila learned to catch the main idea and important details of campus-related and academic listening passages. With 15 hours of video instruction and over 40 academic listening practice tests, Tanzila learned tips and tricks in inference, idioms, negative expressions, getting the main idea, and understanding transitions. Moreover with the reading section, Tanzila had 70 academic speed reading practice tests testing his ability to read from 100 to 350 words per minute. Learning effective reading habits, discerning main ideas and details, understanding vocabulary from context, understanding the organization of reading passages including transitions, and having the ability to make inferences; Tanzila began noticing drastic improvements with his speaking ability and felt ready to retake the TOEFL iBT Exam.

He scored 100 on the button: R=24, L=25, S=25 and W=26, Tanzila seemed to finally be able to make his dream a reality. Developing crucial high level English speaking abilities, Tanzila fulfilled his dream of entering a reputed American University to receive his PhD in Electrical Engineering. In the end, Tanzila commented his final thoughts to Michael:

Hello Michael how are you, I just want to thank you for your service and your support. By the way it’s been such a great experience, Michael. To be very honest, your course has turned me 360 degrees much better than before, and I learned a lot from your course and recommend it to anyone wanting to improve their score on the TOEFL iBT Exam.

Thank you,


Online TOEFL Course


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