Santiago joins an Online TOEFL Course and reaches his academic goals.

“Hi Michael,
I’m Santiago from Colombia; I took the TOEFL iBT last Saturday and I received a low score of 74 with R16, L18, S20, and W20. I needed 85 to apply for a scholarship in my country! So I decided to take the TOEFL iBT again on May 4, 2013 to improve my score. Do you think I can reach the score I need by then? And is there a study guide in your Online TOEFL Course “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” from which I can study off of?
Best Regards,
After having received Santiago’s email, Online TOEFL Course instructor Michael gladly responded to his questions and concerns. To begin with, Santiago wanted to know if he could reach his goal of scoring a minimum of 85 on the TOEFL iBT before May 4, 2013 and considering the time of his email was on March 26, 2013, Michael suggested that Santiago study daily in his 30-Day TOEFL Study Guide focusing on Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Listening, Reading, and Writing if he wanted to reach his goal. In addition, Michael also recommended Santiago read English texts at least 40 min. each day and to engage in note taking when watching News Broadcasts to sharpen his reading and listening skills. Because of this, Santiago began engaging in comprehensive lesson plans and exercises which sharpened his overall TOEFL proficiency, which was reflected in all aspects of Michael’s course within a month’s period.
With the 30-Day TOEFL Study Guide, Santiago was faced with numerous and various lesson plans that helped better his English and TOEFL proficiency. For example, with the vocabulary section Santiago had lessons and exercises where he mastered 1,700 TOEFL words. With pronunciation section, Santiago improved his ability to understand different vowel and consonants sounds with instruction in stress, intonation, and pausing. Furthermore, with the grammar section, Santiago learned basic and advanced sentence structures, verb tenses, word forms, word choice, parallel structures, and so. And with other sections there where similar descriptions and results! So with all this comprehensive learning and studying, Santiago truly developed the skills he needed to too perform well on his next TOEFL iBT attempt and when the time came, Santiago was more than satisfied; his final comments are listed below:
“Dear Michael!
I am so glad to tell you that I scored 85 precisely on the TOEFL iBT Exam! All thanks to your remarkable course and comprehensive lesson plans! Your additional feedback just added to the icing on the cake. On a side note, I felt so prepared for the TOEFL iBT Exam after enrolling in your course that I encourage all to learn off your 7 Step System; it is truly one of a kind! So once again Michael, Thank you! Thank you! All your feedback and lessons are truly valuable.
Best of luck,
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