Saadah uses an Online TOEFL Course to improve her score from 73 to 87.

Meet Saadah M, a former STEALTH student in Michael’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.” Saadah is a non-native American who needed the required marks on the TOEFL to start a certificate program at her local university. However, Saadah was entangled in a difficult situation, Saadah had never taken the TOEFL before and her university required non-natives to score a minimal score of 80 on the TOEFL. Knowing only the basics about the TOEFL, Saadah apparently searched online for a TOEFL course which will improve her English proficiency and help her meet her goal of scoring a minimal score of 80 on the TOEFL; this was how she found Michael’s renowned, 7 Step System Pass the TOEFL iBT.

Saadah initial comments to Michael are as follows:

“Hello Mr. Buckhoff,

My name is Saadah M. and I reside in North Carolina. I am a non-native American and I intend to start a certificate program in October at my local university. Their required TOEFL score for non-natives is 80 at least. I have never taken a TOEFL, so I merely know the basics about TOEFL.

I plan to take the TOEFL iBT in the start of June, so that my scores are forwarded to the university before the deadline. So I seek your guidance in order to be well-prepared for the test and to achieve my goal on my first attempt.

Please guide me.


Saadah M.”

After reading about Saadah’s situation, Michael had given Saadah an overview about what the TOEFL is all about and what is usually required for students through an exclusive YouTube video. During this video, Michael recommended to Saadah to study of his 90-Day TOEFL Study Guide Focusing on Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking; because of this, Saadah had access to day-to-day lessons, exercises, and practice tests designed to help students improve their TOEFL score by 20-30 points and to help them perform optimally during the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT!

An overview of what Saadah had been working on during 90-Days is listed below:

In Michael’s vocabulary section, Saadah had access to things such as: lessons, exercises, and practice tests for mastery of 1,700 TOEFL words. In Michael’s pronunciation section, Saadah had access to 1000′s of pronunciation drills and practice tests with an extensive practice with vowel and consonants sounds and instruction in the stress, intonation, and pausing of numerous words and phrases.

In Michael’s grammar section, Saadah had access to college level editing, grammar, and a writing web site which taught her things such as: learning basic and advanced sentence structures, verb tenses, word forms, word choice, parallel structures, and so on! In Michael’s listening section, Saadah had access to over 40 academic listening practice tests which helped and taught her learn to catch the main idea and important details of campus-related and academic listening passages.

In Michael’s reading section, Saadah had access to over 70 academic speed reading practice tests and lessons which helped her learn effective reading habits such as: discerning main ideas and details, understanding vocabulary from context, understanding the organization of reading passages including transitions, and having the ability to make inferences ion.

In Michael’s writing section, Saadah had access to over 40 independent and 43 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises were she learned to gain competence in independent and integrated writing skills such as: decoding the writing task, organizing a coherent response, writing detailed developmental paragraphs, and ending the essay with a conclusion.

In Michael’s speaking section, Saadah had access to 300 independent and 20 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises were she learned competent speaking skills such as: decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion.

Because of this, in the end Saadah ended up scoring 86 on her first attempt taking the TOEFL iBT! A remarkable score considering the time it took her to reach it. Her final comments to Michael are listed below:

“Dear Mr. Buckhoff,
I ended up scoring 87/120 on the TOEFL iBT. Thank you so much! Now I will now be able to enroll in the certificate program before fall quarter begins at my local university. I liked your course so much; I will recommend your course to all my friends who need to take TOEFL. Again thank you for everything. Here were my scores:
speaking= 24
reading= 21
listening= 22



Want to meet your TOEFL goal like Saadah had? Then consider joining Michael’s renowned “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.”


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