Matvey uses an Online TOEFL Course to score 92/120.

When Matvey first arrived to the United States at age 17, he undoubtedly found that academic English was very different from his native language.  Matvey was born and raised in Russia for most of his life. So when Matvey was enrolled into school, Matvey clearly could not write opinionated responses or enunciate his thoughts as well as he would have liked. Presumptuously deciding to have sought another route to improve his English, Matvey must have begun to search online for a course to help him reach English proficiency. Resultantly, Matvey found Michael’s Online TOEFL Course “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.”

By reviewing Michael’s pronunciation section, Matvey was given extensive practice with vowel and consonants sounds and instruction the stress, intonation, and pausing. How was this possible? Well with Michaels speak clearly lessons 1-24, Matvey was given all the instruction he needed to understand relevant vowels and constant sounds. In addition, with speak clearly lessons 25-49, Matvey was given numerous hours of instruction where he was taught syllable division, grammatical word endings, word stress, sentence rhythm, and intonation. With this in mind, Matvey was soon able to develop acceptable pronunciation prowess and without repetitive awkward pauses and unclear pronunciation.

By reviewing Michael’s grammar section, Matvey was given thorough practice to improve his punctuation and overall editing. With lessons teaching Matvey subjects such as writing, grammar, ESL, and research exercises; Matvey learned about sentence variety, being more concise, and improving his punctuation. As such, Matvey learned crucial grammar skills such as sentence structure, verb tenses, word forms, word choice, and so on. With this in mind, by bettering these abilities, Matvey become well prepared for the independent and integrated writing sections of the TOEFL iBT.


As a result of Michael’s course, Matvey successfully received 92/120 on TOEFL iBT with 24/30 in speaking and a 23/30 in writing; which would be sufficient enough for Matvey to carry his educational career onward. If Matvey can learn academic English proficiency at 17, you should be able as well. Like Matvey, If you would like to improve your native accents or just learn academic English speaking and writing skills, then consider making the decision and join Michaels renowned Online TOEFL Course “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.” At the end of the day, Matvey was able to construct more fitting opinionated responses and even enunciate his thoughts with much more ease and comfort.

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