Mansour joins an Online TOEFL Course and completes his first integrated writing practice test.

Online TOEFL Course

Mansour joined an Online TOEFL Course called “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” and, a few weeks after joining, he took his first integrated writing practice test. After receiving a score of 1.75/5.0 or 11/30 points, he got some vocabulary, grammar, and writing advice from founder, materials writer, and owner Michael Buckhoff.

First of all, Mansour’s limited vocabulary knowledge was making it difficult for him to summarize and paraphrase the information from the reading and the lecture passages during the integrated writing task. Furthermore, sometimes he would replace a word from the reading passage or the lecture with a word with a different meaning. To help him combat these language challenges, Michael recommended that Mansour study Vocabulary Lessons 3,4,5, and 6 so that he could increase his vocabulary base to 1,700 TOEFL words.

Second of all, Mansour had significant sentence formation issues in his writing. For example, in paragraph 3 of his integrated writing practice test, Mansour had written six sentences about the topic but did not use periods at the end of every sentence. Instead, he used commas, thus resulting in several comma splices. Due to some of these punctuation and sentence formation problems, his TOEFL Writing Mentor Michael Buckhoff suggested that Mansour study Grammar Lessons 1-7 to help him better control his sentence structure, punctuation, and sentence variety. It will be hard work no doubt for Mansour to solve these problems, but at least he knows now what he needs to do to improve.

Third of all, Mansour discovered that he needed to create a more sharply-focused thesis that would show the relationship between the reading and the listening passage. He had simply started his essay discussing the reading passage. In addition, he needed to make sure that he used clear topic sentences stating the purpose of his paragraphs, and he needed to provide more development in his body paragraphs. Based on some of these adjustments that Mansour needed to make, the mentor for his Online TOEFL Course gave him some integrated writing lessons to review.

Finally, based on the feedback given him, Mansour has scheduled 1-2 hours a day for the next month to address the vocabulary, grammar, and writing problems that he needs to solve. There are some larger language problems outside of writing for Mansour to solve, but now he has a plan. Mansour is glad that he joined his new Online TOEFL Course.

Online TOEFL Course

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