Andreas uses a 60-Day Study Guide from her Online TOEFL Course to score 93.

Hi Mr. Buckhoff,
I am considering subscribing to your Online TOEFL Course: “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” because I have a serious problem here, and I am feeling so down. I took the TOEFL yesterday and it was really bad.
I was so confused in the reading section and more confused in listening section. Furthermore, I suffered a little bit of hesitation in some speaking questions; however my writing was not too bad. I think I am going to score around the 70s. I feel so bad, I was good in English before, but because of my intensive German courses during the last two years, I lost a lot of the English. I am taking the TOEFL again on June, 27
th and I would like to concentrate in improving my reading, listening, and speaking abilities. I would like to score 90+, how can you help me?
Thank you for your time.

After reading about Andreas’s situation, Michael recommended that he focus on his 60-Day Online TOEFL Course 7-Step Study Guide Focusing on Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Upon looking at what the study guide has to offer, Andreas decided to join Michael Buckhoff’s “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” to improve his reading, listening, and speaking abilities–as well as to score 90+ on the TOEFL iBT Exam.

With Michael’s study guide, Andreas was provided with day-to-day lesson plans, exercises, and suggested practice tests with links directing him to various vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking parts the 7-Step System. And because of these day-to-day lessons, Andreas eventually began developing extensive reading, listening, and speaking abilities through hard work and time. However, Andrea’s improvements did not just end here. With vocabulary, grammar, and writing lessons in The 60-Day Study Guide as well, he further improved his writing proficiency.

After two months, there seemed to be a significant change in Andreas’s reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. And when he checked back with Michael telling him about his new TOEFL score, wow did he ever improve! Andreas scored 93 with R-25, L-20, S-24, and W-24! Michael’s study guide seemed to help him a lot and allowed for Andreas to perform optimally during the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the actual TOEFL iBT. This goes to show that with hard work and time anyone can achieve his/her TOEFL goals. So, if you want to begin scoring high on the TOEFL iBT, Join Michael Buckhoff’s “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” and improve like Andreas has done already.


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