An Online TOEFL Course called “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” is a revolutionary system that will help you with your academic pronunciation and listening skills.

Online TOEFL Course

Have you ever asked for directions in English and the person answering spoke so quickly that you were left dazed and confused?  Our first instinct would be to tell the person to please slow down and enunciate the words more clearly, but when you do, the person does not understand you because of your accent. Listening to spoken American English and speaking are skills that can be improved by watching television, listening to English music, and speaking with new friends. However, if you want to pass the TOEFL iBT, you are going to need focused and specific tasks that will improve your listening and speaking abilities in an academic way.

There is an Online TOEFL Course called “the 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” that is a revolutionary system that will help you with your academic pronunciation and listening skills. The founder owner and materials writer Michael Buckhoff has developed a large number of Integrated and Independent speaking tasks that addresses many listening and speaking issues. After students take one of the tests, Michael and Jacob listen, respond, and score the test. We help students everyday with their language use, delivery, and topic development. We have seen drastic improvements with students like Sahar and Rasha.

After listening to some of Sahar’s responses from “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT”, we noticed she needed help with her pronunciation, grammatical structures, and  making the required connections between the reading and the lecture. The best part about Michael’s 7-Step System is that he has accounted for all of the sounds in the English language. We directed Sahar to Speak Clearly Lessons 15 and 22 which would help her with the various “a” sounds. Her spoken grammar also needed help, so Jacob advised her to review her use of independent and dependent clauses. The most difficult task for students preparing the TOEFL iBT is definitely connecting a reading and lecture task into one coherent, clear spoken response. We had Sahar also work on her thought groups and blending along with her organization.

Rasha came to “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” with a stronger spoken background in English, but she also needed help connecting the key points in the reading and the lecture. A lesson that helped Rasha was Lesson 2.1: Do You Excel in These Three Areas? which helped her with organization. What are the three areas? You will have to join the Online TOEFL Course called “the 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” in order to find out. Although Rasha had stronger pronunciation, she still needed help expressing the main points of a reading and a lecture using better organization. In addition, we have been working with Rasha to help her improve her intonation, word stress, thought groups, and blending. She has shown great improvement since working with Michael and Jacob. She exemplifies how making a commitment to “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” helps students improve their listening and speaking skills.

For English learners, there will continually be times of misunderstanding like when you ask for directions or order a meal at your favorite restaurant. If you ask Sahar and Rasha, they will say that after working with Michael’s “7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT”, they have had fewer and and fewer misunderstandings in everyday situations. More importantly, because of Michael’s 7-Step system, they have an enriched sense of syllable division, grammatical word endings, word stress, intonation, thought groups, and blending that takes them beyond everyday situations into the realm of preparing to pass the TOEFL iBT and move onto to bigger and better academic paths.

Online TOEFL Course



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