Gizem needs a score of 90+ to receive admission.

Initially unsuccessful of meeting her goal by 10 points, Gizem was formerly required by her college to score a minimum of 90/120 on the TOEFL IBT to receive admission. Having formerly studied TOEFL back in her home country, Gizem sought another solution to pass the TOEFL IBT now that she was going to study abroad in America. And like many before her, Gizem made the decision to join Michael Buckhoff’s renowned Online TOEFL Course for only $38 a month. Having noted that she initially scored 80/120 on the TOEFL IBT, Gizem needed to improve her score by at least 10 more points. Thus, Gizem decided to review Michael’s reading, listening, and writing section.

These were her introductory comments to Michael:

“Michael Buckhoff,

I would like to tell you my background of my first attempt to pass TOEFL IBT. First time I finish the TOEFL, I got total 80 points. I don’t reach my goal yet because I required getting at least 90 points to apply for college level, if I could reach 90 or over that would be helpful.

Best regards,


A brief explanation of these three sections can be read below.

By working out the material in Michael’s reading section, Gizem was able to learn intelligible reading skills! By learning effective reading skills and strategies, Gizem learned how to become an effective reader by: recognizing the format of TOEFL IBT reading passages, understanding difficult vocabulary words from the reading, making note of the main idea and important details from the reading, and having the capability to reach a rational conclusion.

By working out the material in Michael’s listening section, Gizem was able to learn to catch the main idea and important details of academic listening passages! By learning how to take notes and practicing taking notes as she completed 40 + listening practice tests, Gizem learned how to use her notes to answer listening comprehension questions. Because of this, Michael’s listening section taught Gizem critical listening skills such as: getting the main idea, understanding transitions and idioms, and being able to make causal inferences.

Lastly, by working out the material in Michael’s writing section, Gizem targeted and improved her writing weaknesses by developing the writing skills needed to address many of Michael’s comprehensive writing tasks coherently and properly! By learning proficient writing skills, Gizem gained competent writing skills such as: understanding the writing task, being able to compose a coherent writing response, writing out constructive paragraphs, and concluding with a final statement.

As a result, Gizem 92/120 on her next exam! Like Gizem, with effort and commitment, you will be able to strengthen your proficiency in American English by taking into consideration a subscription to Michael’s course.

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