An Online TOEFL Course Offers Effective and Thorough Reading Instruction.

Online TOEFL Course

Crammed with a short time to improve your reading comprehension? Learn Effective Reading Strategies in under two months with Michael’s TOEFL Online Course “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” and improve your ability to read reading passages in the speaking, reading, and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT. Reading proficiently, critically, and having a good reading speed is highly important when taking the TOEFL iBT. So, with Michael’s reading section, you become familiar with the TOEFL iBT question types you will see during your TOEFL exam: vocabulary, pronoun referent, paraphrase, details, negative detail, implied detail, infer rhetorical purpose, summary chart, and schematic table questions.

Firstly, with Michael’s reading section, students have numerous reading exercises which will help improve their reading proficiency and speed by reviewing over 30 hours of instructional videos and completing 70 academic speed reading practice tests; these practice tests target to improve students’ ability to read from 100 to 350 words per minute by reading 45 minutes daily and continuing to regularly read each day until they learn to  read from a  computer screen at a speed of 300 words per minute with 80% comprehension. Moreover, in 4-6 weeks recommended study time you can learn effective and critical reading habits by discerning main ideas and details, understanding vocabulary from context, understanding the organization of reading passages including transitions, and having the ability to make inferences.

Secondly, engaging in critical thinking will better prepare you not only for the reading section but also for the integrated speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT. For example, when engaging in an extensive reading campaign such as reading news articles and taking notes of the main points of the passage, then reading the comments from other readers allows for students’ to think about what they read and to express their opinion about what they read to others. Students’ goals are to respond to at least 3 comments from each article they read.

All in all, improve your academic reading with Michael’s Effective Reading Strategies in his TOEFL Online Course: “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” and you can improve your ability to read reading passages on the reading, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT and you can learn to improve your reading comprehension and ability to read more proficiently, quickly, and critically.

Check out Michael’s 60-Day Online TOEFL Course 7-Step Study Guide Focusing on Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking for an  additional study guide opinion. 

Online TOEFL Course



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