Getting a High TOEFL Speaking Score: Three Things Most Student Do Not Do!

Almost every week, out of 1000’s of students who take the TOEFL iBT, a few dozen students score higher than 26/30 on the speaking section of the exam.  Even though most students do not reach this threshold, some do.  Now what is it exactly these high-scoring students do that helps them to reach their TOEFL speaking goals?

Put another way, what type of TOEFL iBT practice do these students do that helps them to solve their delivery, language-use, and topic development problems. How do these students reach near-native speaking fluency in English? That is exactly the question I will answer in the following video. After watching the video, please make a comment in relation to the following question: “Do you agree with the three tips I mentioned in the video? Why or why not?”


Michael Buckhoff,