TOEFL Speaking Prompt and Model Answer: What you need to know to score 26!

TOEFL students who want to score higher than 26 on the speaking section,

Igor took the TOEFL exam on a Saturday in a testing center in Croatia and got an overall score of 78.  Nonetheless, he is not satisfied with his speaking section score since he needs to get 26 on this section in order to enter medical school in the United States. Due to a lack of strategies and perhaps due to some of his limited delivery, language use, and topic development abilities, Igor was disappointed in his performance while answering  independent speaking task 2 (This is the actual question that he saw on the speaking section of the TOEFL exam.):

Some people believe that same-sex schools are more effective , whereas other people believe that schools with both boys and girls are better. Which approach do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your response.

While he was trying to answer this speaking topic, he ran out of time, so he e-mailed me with some questions:

  1. How do I answer this question in a way that my response has good structure and appropriate supporting details?
  2. Does your Online TOEFL Course include practice with these types of questions?

In response to his questions, I put together the following video: